Reno Locksmith

How does a company become vetted?
- Copy of their active business insurance
- Copy of their Washoe Sheriff's permit for all "Locksmiths"*
*Vetted section will only list names of the people with an active locksmith license that does work requiring a license... "Background checked"
Once paperwork is verified, we will add all info in a private page where all companies verified will have access to. All verified will be able to see name of company and expiration dates. This will allow all verified to make sure no bias info on vetted list.
Any company caught sending un-licensed techs to do work will be remove from vetted list and put on list of legitimate company using un-licensed techs.
Companies who pass all requirements will be added to the vetted section. Don't see your "favorite company? Why don't you ask them why they aren't listed...
What is a Sherriff's work permit?
Washoe county Sheriffs department requires all locksmiths to have a "Locksmith work permit" In order to get this permit, you must get finger printed and a thorough background check.
A business owner must have a valid business license and a background check done before the business itself gets recorded into the Sheriff's database. Business owner can then fill out paperwork that will allow an employee to go apply for a background check. Failure to pass a background check "should" prevent employer from allowing employee do locksmith work. Employer can still hire employee at a position that will not allow him access from entering a vehicle, home or business where a key will need to be originated or any modifications to a lock/secured place.
What does the Sheriff card look like?
The card will have the company name they work for. So if you called "123 Locksmith", the card should also say that on it.
Ocupation should say "Locksmith or Locksmith Tech" Sample card below